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We understand that preparing for a surgical consultation can be overwhelming; t在这里’s so much information to exchange in such a short amount of time.

To address this, we’ve broken the consultation down into two convenient parts. 第一个, we recommend you start with a private virtual conversation. 这之后总是会有一个办公室咨询,在那里你会亲自见到你的外科医生.










  • 01


    像很多人一样, 在虚拟咨询中,你可能会觉得在自己家里私下讨论你的审美目标和关注点更舒服. It can create a more relaxed atmosp在这里 for open communication.








  • 02


    虚拟咨询为患者提供了一种方便的方式,无需前往办公室或占用时间即可开始澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 对于住在哥伦布地区以外或日程繁忙的人来说,这是特别有利的.








  • 03


    这种虚拟对话可以让你有机会打破僵局,尽早消除紧张情绪. 你可以在舒适的家中完成你的文书工作,更有澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网地进行面对面的咨询, 确保谈话都是关于你的.








  • 04


    虚拟咨询允许我们进行初步评估,并尽早讨论您的选择, 所以你可以收到一个定制的报价. 这可以帮助你决定你是否想继续前进,以及什么具体的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网可能是合适的.








  • 05


    We never ask you for any upfront commitments during your consultation. 这是一种低风险、无承诺的谈话! Any investment you make into moving forward is solely your decision to make.








  • 06


    Virtual conversations are convenient for everyone involved! 最初是这样见面的, 我们能够让我们值得信赖的专业人员更快地回答您的问题,而不必等待我们办公室的私人房间可用.











We respect your time and that you choose to spend it with us, 所以我们提供方便的虚拟咨询, 效率高,以你为中心. 这个通信选项提供了一个无缝的, low-commitment way to initiate the process and manage logistical details, so your time with your surgeon is focused solely on your goals.

在您的咨询期间, our medical professionals will listen intently to understand your goals and desires. We will then provide you with a series of tailored recommendations, before & after photos, detailed answers to every question. You will also receive your personalized surgical quote, 甚至可以选择安排你的手术.











虚拟咨询已经搞定了, you are now fully prepared to meet with your surgeon at our office! 你不仅能见到合格的外科医生, but you’ll also get to know the members of their team.

In your private room, we give you the space to ask any additional questions. We will then acquire the sizing and measurements necessary. 我们会提供你一直在寻找的答案来推进你的手术. Once we have the information we need and you feel comfortable, 我们将带您到我们的外科经验主任办公室讨论您的报价细节, along with financing options and finalizing your surgery date.









Scheduling a consultation with us is easy and convenient. 只需遵循以下三个步骤:

1. 与我们的团队通话:

We offer a variety of consultations for different concerns, 从常规澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网到专业澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 我们的团队可以帮助您缩小选择范围,并帮助您选择符合您目标的服务.

2. 选择一个适合你的时间:

我们知道你的时间很宝贵. 这就是为什么我们提供灵活的时间表选择,以适应您繁忙的日程安排. 只要选择一个最适合你的日期和时间,剩下的我们会处理!

3. 预约预约:

现在剩下的就是确认你的约会了. We’ll send you a confirmation email with the details, so you can rest assured that your consultation is booked.








We understand that cost is an important consideration for many patients, pride ourselves on being transparent and upfront about the cost of our services.

当涉及到澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台时, 许多因素会影响最终成本, such as the anesthesia and the length of the surgery. 没有咨询,就不可能准确估计澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的费用.

That’s why we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our medical professionals. 你不仅会得到专家的照顾, 但你也会收到一个个性化的报价,考虑到你所有的独特的考虑.








We tailor our process to match your needs – not the status quo. 虚拟会诊提供了许多好处,使其成为您手术旅程中理想的第一步. 在此期间, you can connect with our experts from the comfort of your own home, 不需要出差或请假.

虚拟咨询还使我们能够收集所需的所有信息,以便正确报价并为您制定个性化的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网计划. This saves you time and money while ensuring that you receive the best possible care.









By gathering the preliminary information during a virtual consultation, 我们可以决定你来的时候应该见谁,以及如何充分利用你在办公室的时间. 这种方法不仅节省了时间和金钱, 但它也有助于确保你得到最适合你需要的照顾.








在你的虚拟咨询之前, 我们需要您通过我们的患者门户网站完成您的新患者文件,并上传您感兴趣的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域的照片. You can find the instructions on how to take and upload these photos 在这里!








We believe that access to high-quality healthcare should be available to everyone, 这就是为什么我们的服务是按服务收费而不接受保险的原因吗.

While we understand that insurance can help to offset the cost of medical care, we also recognize that insurance can often create barriers to accessing the best care. 通过这个模型, 我们可以为你提供你所需要的照顾, 当你需要的时候, 没有保险的麻烦和限制.








It’s important to note that we do have a BMI limit for surgery. BMI, or body mass index, is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. 在确定各种医疗条件的最佳澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方案时,这是一个重要的考虑因素, 包括那些需要手术的.

While we understand that surgery can be a life-changing option for many patients, 对于BMI高的人来说,考虑手术的风险是很重要的. 这些风险包括更长的手术时间, higher risk of complications during and after surgery, 增加了恢复时间.

To ensure the best possible outcomes, we have the following BMI limits for surgery:

所有澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的BMI上限都是40. 某些手术,如大腿提拉术、腹部拉皮术和臀部塑形术,BMI限制在35. Please call us if you have any questions about our BMI limits.








We’re dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality of care, 这一承诺的一部分包括确保我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台安全有效地进行. As a result, we do have an age restriction for surgery.

You must be at least 18 to pursue surgery as an individual. 然而,我们明白,手术有时对所有年龄段的人都是必要的. 出于这个原因, 在父母或法定监护人的指导下,18岁以下的未成年人可被视为手术候选人.









不需要虚拟咨询. However, an 面对面 consultation is required, but the decision of 你来不来取决于你自己. Either right away, or after your no additional cost virtual consultation.

If you decide not to schedule an initial virtual consultation, 在你和你的外科医生见过面之后,资金和日程安排信息将会提供给你.










许多美容澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网需要一个简短的咨询,以确定你是否是一个好的候选人. In some cases, your treatment can happen on the same day. We offer an assortment of solutions to help address specific needs; this consultation ensures you’re getting the right plan for your goals!









If you’re looking to improve the health and appearance of your skin, a skincare consultation is the perfect place to start. Our team of experienced medical professionals will work with you, 面对面, 了解您独特的皮肤问题,并制定个性化的计划,以帮助您实现护肤目标.









在你的第一次虚拟咨询中, 我们会讨论你的病史, 生活方式和健康目标,然后再决定是否加入我们的团队! 我们将根据您的个人需求和偏好,为您量身定制一个计划,同时为您提供支持和指导,帮助您保持正轨,每天感觉更好.









这个最初的对话提供了一个机会去了解你的供应商,并建立一个强大的, trusting relationship that can last for years to come. 我们邀请您与我们预约咨询,并迈出成为最好的你的第一步!